CS499/579 :: Empirical Computer Security
Fall 2023

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The best way to learn about empirical security research is to do it. You will work on independent research projects in groups of 2 or 3. Part of the project entails 1) a research paper (~9 pages for 3-person team, ~6 pages for 2-person team) and 2) a short presentation (8-10 min) at the end of the quarter.

Important Dates

Unless otherwise specified, all deadlines are at 9PM Pacific Time, and all submissions should be uploaded to Canvas. Only one submission is required per project group. You MUST indicate project member names and ONIDs in the submitted file.

Project proposal

Your proposal should address the following questions:

The project proposal should be a maximum 1 page (at least 10 pt font, single spaced). LaTex / Overleaf is encouraged, but other text editors (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Docs) are acceptable. Citations from previous works are encouraged and don't count towards your page limit. These proposal guidelines are adapted from UCSD's CSE227 and DARPA's Heilmeier Catechism.

Research ideas

Project report [Rubric]

The project report should resemble a 6- or 9- page workshop / short paper. Here are some examples: Formatting rules:

Research presentation [Rubric]

The project presentations should be similar in content to the research paper presentations throughout the semester; however, they should de-emphasize background knowledge explanation and there should be no class interaction. Some additional details: